The Institute™: Or What We Do for Love
Vera Frenkel


Production Team  
The Institute™ web site and gallery installation:
Project Manager Mark Jones
Al programmer Francis Jeanson
Web designers Mike Robbins, Steev Morgan, Jonathan Kean
Consultant & adjunct designer Jean-Christophe Pilaprat
Video transfers Kartz Ucci
Vocals Mad Love (Audrey, Linda & Wanda Vanderstoop)
Song arrangements Rohan Staton/Massive Music
Installation audio Tom Legrady
Web page translation Monica Haim
Residents' voices Gary Michael Dault, Judith Doyle, Peggy Gale,
  Janna Graham, Sascha Hastings, Elizabeth Legge,
  George Meanwell, Jeanne Randolph, Judi Schwartz,
  Dot Tuer, Kartz Ucci, and anonymous others.
The Institute™ touring web site
Web designer Jonathan Kean
Excursion to the Grange: An Institute™ Snapshot
Large scale digital print on canvas  
Master printers Studio 8 Graphics, Toronto
Carleton University Art Gallery Installation
Acting Director Sandra Dyck
Curatorial Assistant Patrick Lacasse
Acting Administrator/Registrar Vicki Hollington
Technical support Jonathan Kean
Sudbury Gallery of Contemporary Art Installation
Director Celeste Scopelites
Installation Officer Mercedes Cueto
Technical Assistance Guru Petra Chevrier
Additional installation savvy Bill Huffman, Cheryl Rondeau
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Hart House, University of Toronto Installation
Director Judi Schwartz
Assistant Director Sam Harris
Technical support Lewis Kaye
The Institute™: Or, What We Do for Love was created with the support of the Art Gallery of Sudbury; the Canada Council for the Arts Media Section; Carleton University Art Gallery; Hart House, University of Toronto; the Ontario Arts Council Museums Assistance Programme.